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5 small bathroom storage ideas to maximise your space

Getting enough storage in a small bathroom is all about making smart use of every inch. Some shelves under the sink, a large mirror cabinet, a cart or some new hooks and hangers are all quick fixes that easily can be made to help keep your things nice and tidy.

Ver 5 small bathroom storage ideas to maximise your space


Unbox the true potential of your bathroom

This bathroom may be small but it is packed with ideas that make the most of the space while maintaining a serene feel. Lots of flexible storage like a cabinet, handy hooks and a cart make it ready to take care of all your beauty essentials.

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Mobility in the kitchen with style

Kitchen carts provide the mobility you need in your culinary space. Its design, which emulates a kitchen island on wheels, offers practicality for storage and the convenience of transporting food from one place to another.

Ver Mobility in the kitchen with style


Turn your small living room into the center of the parties

It's a small space, yes. But it's always ready for a good celebration. You can move the table close to the window to make room for extra seats, pull out the extra chairs, and roll in the trolley   which is great for storage  that is used as a cake cart for this special day. Enjoy!

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